HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Just for fun!!~
Another orb... And look like there's something, "kind" of image in that orb, look something like a weird face, not human, look like a monkey lol...... Look carefully... This is not dust for us.... Anyway, let you be the judge hahaha....~
2) "RuMAh MAkSaK" (MiRi SARAWAK) GhoSt HuNt!!..Hahaha..~
The pic of that abandon house has been brighten, can you see or spot anything??...Hihiii...
the black shadow near the tree? For sure it is not the shadow of that tree coz the tree is much more taller..... And the other circle? Look something like a figure of a lady in white stand at the corridor... But hard to see because the house is all white. That is my opinion.. Hahaha...~
Opinion?? Haha...
Furthermore.... Here is some more pics in that area...
This are some few pics that have been taken in that area....
And one more findings..Below....
Can you see that white figure?? This pic has been zoom in and brighten to make the figure look clear...
What is this?? Does this so called "ghost" look so funny??
Hahahahahhaha!!... Iszit "Casper the friendly ghost"?? Hahaha...
Anyway, let you be the judge....Enjoy!!..~
Thank You for viewing!! Gbu.
Weh....sy x nmpk pa2 pun. Mgkn mata sy ni x sensitif kot...tp sy suka gmbar rumah yg ditinggalkan tu. looks scary...!!!! ahaha..!!
Tu petanda ko nda lama lagi la tu.....Hahahhahahahahaha...Perhati jak la,susa mau explain sni hahaha...Yup,rumah tu mmg power..Hehehee...Jom la lepak sna lol.
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